International CSR Congress 2024


Cyrille Maltot represented Synairgis and AGIT Québec at the International CSR Congress. 

The “Le Numérique Responsable” round table on a CSR approach was held in Toulouse on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 2:30 pm. Cyrille was alongside Amandine Rovere, Malo Donat and Marie-Christine Aubin.

Topics covered included responsible communication, solutions for a more virtuous use of technology and the environmental impact of digital technology.
The International CSR Congress took place from October 16 to 18, 32 rue Pierre-Paul Riquet, Toulouse 31000.

The event was organized by the Oïkos foundation, which works to develop responsible enterprise and promote CSR.

More information on the program.

Scroll through the photos.  Credit : Juliette Papet – ISJT 

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