Audit of energy consumption and carbon emissions of an IT service


During the first half of 2023, the Synairgis team carried out an energy consumption and carbon emissions (CO2e) audit of a professional IT solution used in the field of telecommunications network management.

The study was carried out over several weeks and made it possible to determine different scenarios of electrical energy consumption and carbon emissions (CO2e) according to target use cases.

The results thus obtained allow the publisher of the solution and its customers to prepare architectural adjustments as part of the operationalization of the solution and the implementation of the service in order to optimize the consumption of energy and carbon emissions.

The Synairgis team carries out audits of energy consumption and carbon emissions (CO2e) in the field of building and digital services.

The project was organized following the usual methodology for this type of audit:

  • Definition and validation of objectives, including definition of the scope of analysis, identification of the functional unit;

  • Collection of data;

  • Translation of environmental impacts, including the architecture of the digital service, the flows between the components of the solution and the consumption/emissions assessments according to different use cases;

  • Interpretation and conclusion

The analyzed software solution consists of:

  • software elements installed on several computer servers (centralized part - the servers can be virtual or physical);

  • software installed on distributed terminals/elements;

  • of the Internet network allowing the elements to communicate with each other.

The analysis required the organization and facilitation of several workshops with stakeholders. Following this work, the Synairgis team was able to deliver the following elements:

  • technical document presenting the detailed analysis

  • presentation and summary document, used in meetings with project stakeholders

  • spreadsheet-type document presenting the detailed calculations according to the different scenarios and use cases selected.


  • Coming up

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